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Party Policy Comparison

Issue NDP Conservative CHP Freedom Green BC United

Sanctity of Human Life

  • Supports abortion-on-demand as a so-called “right”.
  • Party Policy Declaration states: “We believe in the principles of equality for all British Columbians, with special privileges for none. This principle includes the protection of private property, life, liberty and the inalienable right of freedom of speech, worship and lawful assembly."
  • On May 9, 2024, the Leader posted a horrible statement on social media implying his party's full support for abortion, and falsely describing these acts of child murder in the womb as a "right", despite the fact that there is no "right" to abortion either in Canada's constitution, any Supreme Court ruling, or in natural law.
  • Officially pro-life. Opposes all abortions.
  • No official policy statement on the sanctity of human life. However, the the party leader, Amrit Birring, is fully pro-life
  • Supports abortion-on-demand as a so-called “right”.
  • Wants to “invest in better access to abortion services... throughout the province”.
  • No official party policy on abortion, but the Party Leader is pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia, viewing these forms of homicide as a so-called “right”.

Funding Abortions

  • Supports diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to pay for abortions instead.
  • Mandated taxpayer funding of all prescription contraception, including abortifacients.
  • Pledged taxpayer funding of IVF, a process which destroys and discards embryonic human beings
  • No official policy on forcing taxpayers to fund medically-unnecessary, elective abortions.
  • However, the party leader stated he would not do anything to change the status quo on "access to abortion. contraception and other items".  Rustad also said he fully supports IVF, an immoral technology.
  • Would remove abortion from the list of taxpayer-funded surgical procedures.
  • Does not believe that abortion is healthcare nor that it’s “medically necessary”.
  • No official policy statement on abortion funding in its platform, but the Party Leader is personally opposed to forcing taxpayers to subsidize the cost of elective abortions.
  • Supports diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to pay for abortions instead.
  • Supports diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to pay for abortions instead.

Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones

  • Happily enforces the 1995 anti-free speech bubble zone law which criminalizes peaceful pro-life protests, and even silent prayer, within a 50- metre radius of abortion facilities.
  • In April 2024, introduced a bill to create 20-metre censorship zones around all K-12 schools, for the purpose of suppressing the free speech rights of parents protesting against SOGI 123. This bill aims to put parents in jail for exercising their constitutional right to peacefully protest.
  • No official policy. However the Leader opposes the NDP’s new bill to expand censorship zones to BC schools for the purpose of criminalizing parental rights protests.
  • Acknowledges freedom of speech as a “hallmark of a free society”
  • Another free speech policy: “Universities and colleges that do not support and defend freedom of expression on campus will be defunded. Taxpayer money will not be used to support places of censorship and intimidation.”
  • Vows to repeal B.C.’s unconstitutional censorship law around abortion facilities , if elected
  • No official policy, but the Leader vowed to repeal B.C.’s unconstitutional censorship law around abortion facilities, if elected.
  • No official policy.
  • No official policy


  • Fanatical supporters of euthanasia & assisted suicide.
  • Works aggressively to smoke out Christian hospitals and hospices which refuse to commit euthanasia, and put pressure on them to arrange lethal injections whenever requested by patients.
  • Policy declaration states: “A Conservative Party will not fund any program that deliberately hastens the death of any persons with mental illness”.
  • Has no official position on other applications of euthanasia, outside of mental illness.
  • Opposes euthanasia & assisted suicide.
  • No official policy, but the party leader opposes euthanasia & assisted suicide.
  • No explicit mention of euthanasia, but their “End of Life” policy hints at what might be support for the homicidal practice:
    "BC Greens believe everybody should be empowered to pass their last days in comfort and dignity”.
  • Supports euthanasia and assisted suicide

Conscience Rights

  • Does not respect conscience rights.
  • Ordered a Christian hospice to commit euthanasia. When it refused, the NDP seized their building and evicted them.
  • NDP Health Minister Dix encouraged people to sue a Catholic hospital for refusing to commit euthanasia
  • Passed Bill 36 which grants govt the power to strip doctors of their license if they conscientiously object to participating or referring for abortion, euthanasia, contraception, sex-change surgery, puberty blockers.or abortion-tainted vaccines.
  • Official policy supports conscience rights for healthcare workers: “The Conservative Party of BC recognizes the right of health care service providers (including Long term care, and palliative-care hospices) ... that oppose the practice of euthanasia... care providers should have the right to opt out of any program that deliberately hastens the death of any persons.”
  • Election platform pledges to “Oppose and Repeal Bill 36”, which gave govt the power to strip doctors’ licenses if they object to participating or referring for abortion, euthanasia, contraception, sex-change surgery, puberty blockers or abortion-tainted vaccines.
  • Party and Leader strongly support conscience rights.
  • Supported the Delta Hospice Centre in its refusal to participate in euthanasia killings.
  • No official statement on conscience rights. However, the party website states it will protect religious freedom “under all circumstances, as per the Charter of Rights and Freedoms”.
  • Pledges to “Rescind NDP Bill 36, which is designed to tighten the tyrannical noose on British Columbians’ health”.
  • Referencing conscientious objector employees who were fired for not taking the abortion-tainted COVID jab, the party pledges to ensure those workers are hired back.
  • No official policy.
  • No official policy statement on conscience rights, but Party Leader has said that he would respect the right of medical workers and facilities not to participate in euthanasia.

Parental Rights

  • Against parents’ rights to guide the moral education of their own children.
  • Imposes sexualized and even pornographic Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculum in schools.
  • Tacitly supports teachers in hiding from parents the fact that their children are “transitioning” to the opposite sex.
  • Official policy declaration states: “Parents.... must have a protected sphere, without interference, to nurture and make decisions involving the child's medical care, education, religious beliefs and moral upbringing.
  • Policy declaration states that PARENTS are the ones who should determine and protect the best interest of children 17 years and under “in all health related situations and decisions”.
  • Policy declaration pledges to add “the protection of parental rights as a new responsibility of school trustees under the BC Schools Act”.
  • Election platform promises to provide school choice by providing “funding to families for the type of education they choose for their children. This includes public, private or homeschooling”,
  • Policy declaration says CHP would end teaching of SOGI in publicly-funded schools.
  • The widespread promotion of “antibullying”as a strategy to promote alternate sexual and family models will be abandoned. All students will be protected from all forms of bullying, including pressure from teachers and peers to conform to new standards of sexual labelling and attitudes.
  • Advocates for a school voucher system which would give education credits directly to parents to spend on school of their choice, whether public, private or homeschool.
  • Strong defenders of parental rights in education on issues of sexual morality
  • Believes children belong to parents, not the state.
  • Freedom Party has been at the forefront of parental protests against SOGI curriculum in schools.
  • Party officials led the righteous effort to recall NDP Minister Rachna Singh for allowing pornographic LGBT books in the schools.
  • Opposes parental rights in education on issues of sexual morality.
  • Supported legislation to ban so-called “conversion therapy”, which in fact, is a way to criminalize parents who won’t pretend their child is the opposite sex.
  • It was the BCU Party (formerly BC Liberals) who brought in the LGBT SOGI curriculum which is indoctrinating and sexualizing children every day. The BCU still strongly supports SOGI in schools, despite parental opposition.
  • The party leader recently made a mild acknowledgement of the fact that parents have concerns about SOGI, but once he received backlash from the media, he immediately issued a statement clarifying his support for LGBT.

Transgender Ideology

  • Supports transgender ideology with a cult-like, religious fervour.
  • Promotes and enables SOGI curriculum in schools, to brainwash children into believing they can be “born in the wrong body” and that the solution to fix their “wrong bodies" involves chemical castration and amputation of healthy body parts through the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex-change surgery.
  • NDP Cabinet Minister, Mike Farnworth, said publicly he believes parental protests against trans ideology & SOGI in schools should be prosecuted as “hate crime".
  • Party Leader and another MLA have repeatedly criticized LGBT ideology in the classroom.
  • Election platform pledges to remove ideology from the classroom:
    Political bias and ideology have no place in B.C.’s education curriculum and must be removed immediately. Schools must be places of learning – not tools for activism and indoctrination.
  • Opposes the intrusion and invasion of biological males into female sports, where men obviously have a strength advantage.
  • Opposes transgender ideology.
  • Believes biological males should not be allowed in women’s bathrooms.
  • Opposes transgender ideology
  • Believes that young children should not be manipulated into consenting to transgender surgeries and puberty blockers.
  • Supports transgender ideology and the whole gamut of LGBT indoctrination, including the theories of gender identity & gender expression.
  • Fully supports and celebrates transgender ideology,
  • On social media, the Party leader celebrated as a great accomplishment that a sexually-confused biological man on the Canadian women’s soccer team defeated the Swedish women’s team to win the gold medal.


  • Legalized all hard drugs in BC, including cocaine, heroin, fentanyl; crack and crystal meth.
  • Planted government-funded drug injection sites in cities across BC. There, addicts are given free drugs, crack pipes, and plunged deeper into drug addiction. This policy has caused the deaths of many addicts, increased the crime rate, and destroyed neighbourhoods, making it unsafe to walk the streets.
  • Opposes government funded drug injection sites.
  • Platform pledges to end the NDP policy of giving free heroin and other hard drugs to addicts.
  • Pledges to “reverse decriminalization of hard drugs” by the NDP
  • Promised to end the plague of drug-and-crime-infested “tent cities” which have sprung up everywhere under NDP rule.
  • Opposes the NDP’s radical “decriminalization” policy for illegal drugs.
  • Opposes so-called “safe injection sites”.
  • Has no official policy statement on drugs.
  • Supports the establishment of drug injection sites in even more BC cities and towns. These legal drug injection sites permit addicts to take heroin, crack, crystal meth, etc, thus enabling addiction and destroying the neighbourhoods in which they’re planted.
  • Supports the failed policy of giving free drugs to addicts, aka “safe supply”. This policy only encourages addiction and enriches drug dealers who resell the “government drugs” to kids.
  • Supports decriminalizing all drugs.
  • This party, while in government in 2003, turned a blind eye to the establishment in BC of the country’s first-ever drug injection site. That lack of opposition is what give a foothold to more injection sites, the eventual legalization of hard drugs across the province, and the problem of open air drug consumption.
  • In this election cycle, BCU is saying it will end decriminalization if elected. It also says it will ban open drug use.

Vaccine Mandates

  • Supports vaccine mandates and passports.
  • Forced citizens to take experimental, abortion-tainted COVID injections as a requirement to work, travel, enter restaurants, etc.
  • Encouraged employers to fire vaccine-free workers and take away their livelihood.
  • In April 2023, introduced a motion in the legislature to applaud discriminatory, abortion-tainted, vaccine mandates.
  • NDP is still forcing COVID injections on BC nurses today, as a condition of employment.
  • Opposes vaccine mandates & passports.
  • Policy declaration states that:
    “... individuals should not be mandated or coerced into receiving any medical treatment against their will, and fired government employees (including nurses) should be hired back immediately."
  • Opposes vaccine mandates and passports.
  • Opposes vaccine mandates, passports and lockdowns.
  • Supported the tyrannical Covid injection mandates. The leader even resorted to labelling as “racists” and “white supremacists” all BC citizens who objected to the abortion-tainted jabs.
  • Fully supported the NDP’s tyrannical COVID injection mandate, lockdowns and vaccine passports.
  • In April 2023, BC United MLAs voted unanimously in favour of an NDP motion to praise COVID injection mandates.
  • Now, BCU says it’ll “re-hire the unvaccinated healthcare workers that David Eby fired”.
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