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Amrit Birring

Amrit Birring's "A" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 9 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record

Birring has never been elected, so he has no voting record.

Sanctity of Life

Birring identifies as pro-life.

Abortion Funding

Has not made any public statements about abortion funding

Conscience Rights

Birring would repeal NDP Bill 36 which threatens the conscience rights of healthcare workers who do not want to participate in or refer for abortion, euthanasia, sex change surgeries or abortion-tainted vaccines.

Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones

Is totally opposed to the NDP's 1995 abortion “bubble zone” law which stripped pro-life British Columbians of their constitutional right to peacefully protest or silently pray within 50 metres of any abortion facility. Birring has pledged to repeal that censorship law.

Birring has also condemned the NDP’s Bill 22, a new censorship bylaw passed in 2024 to strip parents of their constitutional right to peacefully protest on public property. The bill criminalizes peaceful parental rights protests against SOGI curriculum, within 20 meters of every school in B.C.

Vaccine Mandates

Birring opposed the devastating lockdowns, vaccine mandates and Nazi-style segregation system of the NDP’s vaccine passport regime.

He has promised to end the ongoing vaccine mandate and rehire all the nurses who were fired for not taking the abortion-tainted COVID injection as a condition of employment, an NDP policy that is contributing to BC’s nursing shortage.

LGBTQ Ideology

Strongly opposes the trans-ideology/LGBT indoctrination of children in the school system. He would repeal the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculums in publicly-funded schools.

His party opposes sex-change surgeries and puberty blockers for children.

Parental Rights

Birring is a powerful advocate for parental rights. He was one of the main organizers for many of the large parental rights protests across B.C. between 2023-2024.

He was also involved in the recall petition which attempted to remove the NDP’s radical Minister of Education from office for allowing and defending pornographic books in B.C. schools.


Birring has criticized the NDP’s policy of decriminalizing hard drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin, fentanyl and crystal meth. He has also criticized the euphemism of “safe supply” i.e. free drugs.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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