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John Rustad

John Rustad's "F" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 9 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record

Rustad has a mixed voting record during his time in the legislature. He voted well in recent times, but badly in the past.

Sanctity of Life

In the past, Rustad told people who asked his stance on abortion that he was personally pro-life.

However, on May 9, 2024, the date of the National March For Life on Parliament Hill when thousands of pro-lifers gather to defend unborn children, the BC Conservative leader posted a pro-abortion statement on X (formerly Twitter), which described the killing of children in the womb as "women's reproductive rights".

The statement also incorrectly implied that the 1988 Supreme Court Morgentaler decision found a "right to abortion", which is a lie.

In fact, every Supreme Court judge in that case explicitly stated that the Canadian government has a legitimate interest in protecting unborn human life, and urged Parliament to develop a new law restricting abortion that did not suffer from the geographic disparities that were inadvertently built into the previous Pierre Elliott Trudeau law that required three doctors to sign off on an abortion as being medically necessary.

Abortion Funding

When baited by pro-abortion NDP Leader David Eby about forcing taxpayers to fund elective abortions, Rustad stated he would not do anything to change the status quo on "access to abortion. contraception and other items". 

Rustad also implied he fully supports taxpayer funding of IVF, an immoral technology.which necessarily involves the destruction of embryonic human beings.

Conscience Rights

Strongly supported conscience rights by campaigning for the repeal of the NDP’s Bill 36, legislation that Christian doctors have said puts their conscience rights in danger with respect to being forced to participate in abortion, euthanasia, sex-change surgeries and abortion-tainted vaccines.

His party believes that healthcare professionals have the right to opt out of programs that deliberately hasten the death of a patient, like the practice of euthanasia & assisted suicide.

Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones

Rustad broadly promotes himself as “pro-freedom”.

In April 2024 Rustad voted against the NDP’s censorship legislation, Bill 22, which criminalized peaceful parental rights protests within 20 metres of any BC school.

Rustad has not taken a position on the 1995 Bubble Zone censorship law which makes it a crime for pro-life citizens to silently pray, peacefully protest or provide educational information about adoption, within a 50 metre radius of BC’s abortion facilities.

Vaccine Mandates

Rustad opposed the devastating lockdowns, vaccine mandates and Nazi-style segregation system of the NDP’s vaccine passport regime.

He is pledging to rehire all the nurses who were fired for not taking the abortion-tainted COVID injection as a condition of employment, an NDP policy that is contributing to BC’s nursing shortage.

LGBTQ Ideology

Promised to remove the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculum from BC schools if he wins the election.

On April 30, 2024, Rustad introduced The Fairness in Women's & Girls Sports Act to ban biological males from competing in female sports throughout the province, including on school teams and sporting associations.

Although Rustad's stance against extreme transgenderism has been admirable, he is showing signs of backsliding into the pro-LGBT ways of his old BC Liberal Party. Notably, he approached a practicing lesbian MLA, Elaine Sturko, who is a supporter of LGBT ideology, to cross the floor from another party to join the BC Conservatives, which she did. This is worrisome because a house divided cannot stand, and it is extremely likely that the lesbian activist will attempt to frustrate the common sense reforms he has promised, should the BC Conservatives form government. Or is her floor-crossing an indication that she has already extracted from Rustad a promise to not introduce legislation or regulations protecting BC families and children from extreme transgenderism and LGBT ideology?

Parental Rights

Rustad has been a strong defender of parental rights in education


On September 22, Rustad pledged to:

  • Shut down all BC drug injection sites
  • End the practice of giving out free drugs and crack pipes,
  • End decriminalization of hard drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin, fentanyl and crystal meth.

Instead, his government will focus on addiction treatment, including converting the province's 50 legal drug dens into treatment and recovery facilities.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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