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David Eby

David Eby's "F-" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 9 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record

During his time as an MLA and Premier, he voted for and introduced grossly immoral, anti-Christian bills and regulations.

Sanctity of Life

Supports abortion. Has advocated many times for the “right” to have an abortionist kill children in-utero.

Strongly supports euthanasia and assisted suicide, referring to these murderous practices as a “right”.

Abortion Funding

Eby supports forcing taxpayers to fund medically-unnecessary elective abortions.

Under his leadership, legislation was passed to provide B.C. residents with taxpayer-funded prescription contraception, including those which are abortifacient in nature such as the morning after pill and copper IUDs.

Conscience Rights

Eby is a fierce opponent of conscience rights. His government ordered a Christian hospice to commit euthanasia. When it refused, it stole their building and evicted them.

Eby passed Bill 36, placing government appointees in charge of the Colleges overseeing healthcare professionals, legislation that Christian doctors have said puts their conscience rights in danger with respect to being forced to participate in abortion, euthanasia, sex change surgeries and abortion-tainted vaccines.

Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones

Eby happily enforces the 1995 Bubbles Zone censorship law which makes it a crime for pro-life citizens to pray, protest or provide educational information about adoption, within a 50 metre radius of BC’s abortion facilities, even on taxpayer-owned public property..

As B.C.’s Attorney General, Eby expanded the censorship zones to criminalize peaceful protests against vaccine mandates in front of hospitals and schools. In 2024, his government introduced legislation to expand the no-free speech zones further still, to criminalize parental rights protests against SOGI curriculum, within 20 metres of all BC schools.

Vaccine Mandates

During the devastating lockdown era, Eby fully supported vaccine mandates and a Nazi-style, vaccine passport system of segregation.

Still today, he requires nurses to take the abortion-tainted COVID injection as a condition of employment... despite a shortage of nurses in the province! Many BC nurses remain fired and out of work.

LGBTQ Ideology

Eby supports transgenderism, and uses woke, anti-human terms like a “person who is pregnant” instead of “woman”. He also imposes days of indoctrination on school children such as the “Transgender Day of Remembrance”

In 2019, Eby sent a letter to Justin Trudeau urging him to pass a so-called “conversion therapy” ban to make it illegal for psychologists to be able to provide help to individuals who experience unwanted gender identity confusion or unwanted same-sex attraction, even if the patient is voluntarily seeking the therapy. The legislation would also jail parents up to 5 years if they refuse to let their underage son dress up as a girl, or take puberty blockers.

Parental Rights

Eby opposes parental rights, and has a history of putting parents in jail.

When he was the NDP's Attorney General, he personally brought criminal charges against a loving BC father who was trying to protect his underage daughter from proceeding with harmful sex change drugs that are known to have irreversible effects, including the possibility of being rendered permanently unable to conceive children. Eby put this parent in prison for 2 months, in solitary confinement, letting him out of his cell for only 20 minutes per day, in order to crush him for opposing the NDP's pro-child sex change ideology.

Eby is dismissive toward concerned parents who oppose his government’s highly-sexualized, and in some cases, pornographic, SOGI 123 curriculum.


Supported the decriminalization of all illicit drugs, including cocaine, crack, heroin, fentanyl and crystal meth.

Supports the establishment of government-run, drug injection sites in towns & cities across BC, where drug addicts are legally permitted to take heroin, crack, crystal meth, etc.. This policy facilitates addiction, destroys the surrounding neighborhood and attracts crime.

Supports the policy of providing free drugs and crack pipes to addicts. as a so-called “harm reduction” strategy. This disastrous idea has only enabled addiction, increased overdose deaths, and benefitted organized crime. Under Eby's administration, at least one BC hospital has been caught making free crack pipes avalable in a vending machine to everybody who wants them, including kids who can reach high enough to operate the buttons.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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