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Susan Furstenau

Susan Furstenau's "F" score as a party leader is based on assessment of her personal leadership on 9 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record

During her time as an MLA, she has voted badly on issues of life, family, faith and freedom.

Sanctity of Life

Supports abortion. Has demanded that the child-killing procedure be made as easy to access as possible.

Has not taken a public stance on euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Abortion Funding

Furstenau supports forcing taxpayers to fund medically-unnecessary, elective surgical abortions.

She also supports forcing taxpayers to fund the dangerous chemical abortion pill, Mifegymiso, and abortifacient contraceptives like the morning after pill and copper IUDs

Conscience Rights

Furstenau has made no public statements, one way or the other, on the topic of conscience rights.

Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones

Furstenau raised concerns about the NDP’s legislation that created anti-free speech bubble zones around hospitals and schools. Her concerns were about the “broad and vague” language of the law, focusing mostly on the implications toward environmental activism. She has made no public comments about the egregious restriction on the free speech of pro-life citizens.

Vaccine Mandates

During the devastating lockdown era, Furstenau went along with the NDP’s vaccine mandates and Nazi-style, vaccine passport system of segregation.

Furstenau even advocated for setting up injection days at B.C. schools to increase the number of kids taking the abortion-tainted COVID shot.

LGBTQ Ideology

Supports transgender and homosexual ideology. Has defended drag queen performances.

In 2021, she introduced Bill M-204 to ban so-called “conversion therapy”, a euphemism for making it illegal for psychologists to be able to provide help to individuals who experience unwanted gender identity confusion or unwanted same-sex attraction, even if the patient is voluntarily seeking the therapy. The motion also provided for jailing parents if, for example, they refuse to let their underage son dress up as a girl, or take puberty blockers.

Parental Rights

Strongly opposes parental rights in education, and even condemned Alberta’s recent legislation to defend parental rights.


Supports decriminalizing all illicit drugs, including cocaine, crack, heroin, fentanyl and crystal meth.

Supports the establishment of government-run, drug injection sites in towns & cities across BC, where drug addicts are legally permitted to take heroin, crack, crystal meth, etc.. This policy facilitates addiction, destroys the surrounding neighborhood and attracts crime.

Supports the policy of providing free drugs and crack pipes to addicts. as a so-called “harm reduction” strategy. This disastrous idea has only enabled addiction, increased overdose deaths, and benefitted organized crime.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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